Rahmat Miftahul Habib's Official Website

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This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.
Halaman ini akan menjelaskan tentang saya dengan detil.

I might talk about how old I am, what I look like, and what I do for a living. (I'll try to be truthful!)
I was born in Pekanbaru, September 22th 1984. So, In this year I'm 21 years old.
I look like what do you think so.
My daily activity is study & Study. And Hope have a nice wife :-)

I might also include some information about my personal history: where I grew up, where I went to school, various places I've lived. I'll include a picture of myself engaging in an activity I enjoy, such as a sport or hobby.
I grow up in Pekanbaru, Riau Province.
I go to my campuz by my motor cycle not by car. This city have a many polluted and crowded. Buzy city.
Until now, I have a experience lived in Jakarta, Tanjung Pinang, Batam, Bandung, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, and also my city of birth Pekanbaru.
The photo when I jogging is already at this page.

It's me while jogging around my home block

Kerjaan Gue Sehari-hari apa ya?

Hallo, perkenalkan namaku Rahmat Miftahul Habib. Biasa dipanggil Rahmat atawa Miftah saja. Pekerjaanku masih sebagai mahasiswa di Institut Sains dan Teknologi Akprind (ISTA) Yogyakarta. Jurusannya Teknik Informatika.


Gambar disamping adalah salah satu jenis olahraga yg sering kulakukan tiap hari. Sayangnya, disekitar tempat tinggalku, tidak terdapat lapangan yg luas sih. Males juga kalau jogging sambil menghirup asap knalpot kan?
Tetapi aku lagi mau konsen ke kuliah dulu. So, study n study, but don't forget to do some sport.

Selain belajar aku juga punya kegiatan lain. Kebetulan aja sih diterima jadi asisten lab meskipun pada awalnya ga PD. Hobiku renang ya minimal 1x seminggu lah. Selain itu, karena jurusanku di IT, ya mau ga mau harus seneng sama syntax2 dan script2 pemrograman. Ga ding, hobiku browsing internet aja deh.

Selain itu, aku juga belajar berbisnis melalui perusahaan milik Aa Gym. Kenapa aku pilih MQ Barokah? Soal itu, aku bisa memberikan alasannya via email.


Ciri-ciri saya:

black hair, brown eyes, kulit ya gak putih2 amat. Berat badan 68 kg. Tinggi 178 cm.


Jika ingin menghubungi saya bisa telepon, SMS, EMS, MMS, Email atau Chat.


No. Telepon CDMA: (0274) 74 31 123. Dalam format internasional: +622747431123

No. Telepon GSM: 0813 287 37 187. Dalam format internasional: +6281328737187


Alamat email:

Imel yg ke2 buat Milis & Friendster


Profil lengkap diriku, ada beberapa link di halaman ini juga.


Terimakasih atas perhatian Anda.

Have a nice day!

My Favorites :

Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Spiderman, Chalie's Angels, Mission Imposible 2, The Matrix Reloaded, Monster Inc., Shark Tales

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Simple Plan, Goo Goo Dolls, Muse, Linkin Park, Raihan, Justice Voice

Here's the Links to go to Web page that contain information about me:

Klik aja link-link dibawah ini utk melihat semua tentang saya (peterpan banged seeh?) :

My Biodata...

Academic History/Riwayat Pendidikan...

The Way 2 Contact me...

My Student Profile...